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Normalize Accepting The Word 'NO'

1. When someone says they don't want to talk as they want personal space.

2. When someone says they are not ready to marry as they want some time to prepare themselves.

3. When someone says they are not attracted by their opposite gender but a person of their gender.

4. When someone says they want to be alone and don't want any company.

5. When someone says they are not happy in their lives despite everything being okay in their lives as they might be going through issues they aren't ready to share.

6. When someone says they aren't ashamed of the way they look as they are proud of who they are and have become.

7. When someone says they can't continue with what they are doing as they want to pursue something they love.

8. When someone says they are not comfortable discussing their personal matters as they want people to respect the privacy they want.

9. When someone says they want to break free from certain relationships as they can't pretend anymore to be happy in relationships where they are not valued and loved back the way they want.

By Srilekha Mitra



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